Monday, September 23, 2013

it's off to the dentist we go...

It was a annual trip to the dentist for Drew and a first time for Ainsley. 
I had high expectations for Drew since he's loved going to the dentist for the past 3 years. 
 Knowing Ainsley, I was expecting the worst since she is very comfortable in the arms of her parents.

Surprisingly, Ain's opted to sit in the chair all by herself and was happy to just hold my hand.

If you mustache..... both kids had ZERO cavities!


  1. modern advances in dentistry, cosmetic procedures can range from a basic color correction to replacing missing teeth and everything in between. austin tx 78734 dentistry office

  2. It's really cool that you've made the trip to the dentist a fun family activity. Not an easy feat, mind you; there's just something about it that's dragging and routine, not to mention the imagined pain. It's nice that you've gone past all that. A real nice precedent to arm your kids with, as they go through their most formative years.

    Malachi @ Indian Crest Pediatrics

  3. Looks like it all went through like a breeze. People of all stripes should try and pick up lessons from these kids' carefree resilience. Something that can help us through any medical treatment in the long term.

    Frank @ Alpenglow Dental

  4. You had an amazing trip to the dentist’s clinic, Boerckel! And it seemed miraculous that your kids didn’t scream nor flinched a bit when you got there. It’s a usual scenario to see kids going hysterical whenever they see a dentist. Looking at them, they seemed to have enjoyed the presence of your dentist.

    Calandra Novak
